“These sims have a harder time succeeding in life than other sims, be it at work or school. They build social skills much slower than the average sim, can never become confident, and also suffer intense embarrassment on occasion even before talking to someone.” Loser “Socially Awkward sims perform poorly at pretty much everything social. They often find themselves down.” Socially Awkward “These sims hate socializing, excel in mental activities, and are also fairly talented in the arts. Relationships will decay faster, social and fun decays slower, and all skills can be gained slightly faster. These sims social need decays much slower, and building lasting relationships is more difficult.” “Outside… whats that? These sims are shy, hate being outside their house, and will get uncomfortable when out of their house for too long. Sims with this custom trait will have a hard time being social. They are prideful, aggressive, and live a selfish and lonely life.” Social Anxiety Disorder “These sims are extremely antisocial and have no conscience. Programming and Video Gaming skills will gain faster.Here’s what this custom trait brings to the table: Additionally, they won’t have much need for sleep. Sims that have this custom trait will gain all mental-based skills faster. Gamers boost their Programming, Hacking, and Gaming skills, and they have whims to play games, buy new consoles, and such.
#Custom sims 4 traits mod
This custom traits mod will let Programming, Rocket Science, Video Gaming, and Logic skills all gain faster than they usually do. They are suited best for the Astronaut and Tech Guru careers.” Give them a computer and/or a rocket ship and they are more than happy. They are naturally gifted at technological skills such as programming and rocket science. “Tech Geniuses love to use computers and technology. Like the description implies, cooking savants will be made with this trait. They achieve cooking and baking skills a lot faster than regular sims.” “Sims with this trait are gifted chefs and every meal they make is a work of art. This mod does exactly as you’d expect from the description, giving sims the innate ability of kicking butt while writing books. These sims want to write all the the time and often find time to write instead of sleep.” Authors easily find inspiration in anything and everything. “These sims are all about creating worlds and stimulating the senses with their words. Sims will have a lot of gardening whims.Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, and Baking are gained slightly faster.

#Custom sims 4 traits how to
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#Custom sims 4 traits Patch
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